
Web site: Futurizon.fr => E-mail: futurizon@hotmail.com

Responsible for the site: Futurizon is the name artist of a inventor independent.

Hosting of the site: OVH SAS - Siège social : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France - www.ovh.com

Authors' rights , copyright and intellectual property:
The completeness of the site futurizon.fr finds french and international legislations on authors' rights, copyrights and of intellectual property.
Any representations, reproductions, modifications and uses of photos, images, drawings, plans, texts, names, logos and visible or not visible parts on this site for a functional or fictitious use are forbidden whether it is for personal use, professional or educational.
It will be authorized, after study of the request and the acceptance of the conditions, that elements are used with the aim of making known the site or to value its contents in a partial or total way.
The entire parts shown in photos and drawings on this site as well as those who are not shown on this site were really created and are officially protected by international copyrights.
All the present elements on this site were invented and realized by the person in charge of the site and are the work of its pure imagination, its research work and the concrete realization of its ideas.
Consequently, the fact that a present element on this site can be a work previously protected officially by another person is only sheer chance of spirit and not the will to want to copy her or to damage his author.
The failure to respect authors' rights, copyrights and the intellectual property will give rise to legal proceedings having informed institutions about it planned for that purpose.

Computing and freedom:
The form of contact allows only to correspond with the person in charge of this site, in this particular case no received information will be registered on any support.
Copyright FUTURIZON 2015 - All is protected by copyright